Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Where, O Math is your victory?

     I have long believed that Math would be the death of me. Taking "Math 125S :Statistics To Make a Sane Mind Weak:" is upholding this belief.  Whilst sitting in class I am often perplexed, but after the teacher explains things S L O W LY, and brings the conversation down to a 5th grade math level, my calcifying brain is usually able to glean shiny nuggets of information that I hurry to scribble down in my notebook, lest they exit my brain as quickly as Shaun being chased by a zombie. Once home, I kiss the ancient carpet of my threshold and thank God I have survived yet another attempt to make me put me in the same boat as Poe.

     Once safe in the arms of my abode, I am sucked into the tyranny of the urgent and soon forget the oppression math brings to my soul.  I clean, I cook, I dare to have a normal life. I relax in the promise that my scribbled notes will bring my memory to life. Ha! I have been lulled into a false sense of security! I innocently approach my work, confident that I will knock out the lab in the time it takes me to sip my hot and tasty Chi tea. Once the books are re-cracked and the notes pulled out I feel as though I am reading cruneform! When trying to use my computer to assist, I ruefully discover it is in on it! It isn't just math, all the 1's and 0's have it out for me! Scurvy knaves!  Needless to say a whole afternoon has been wasted thanks to my prehistoric laptop and it's inability to allow anything to update, download or, HORRORS, help me!

     For the time being I shall admit defeat.  I will sit back in my recliner, sip my iced Chi and allow the wasted afternoon to become yet another uncomfortable math memory. I will allow the loving and easily interfacing pages of Facebook and Pogo to sweep me away to a wonderful world where math doth not dare to rear it's ugly head....at least not where I can see it!